Saturday, September 10, 2011

An Update

I haven't posted here in ages and I feel like a horrible blog owner in doing so.  I have been working on several blogs though and so my blogger accounts have been neglected.  In addition, my husband made it home and I think his presence has helped get me back to writing again.  I've caught up on my writing projects across my three blogger blogs and my three Tumblr blogs.  Blogger has been neglected due to Tumblr, but I think I'm finding a balance between Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, and Tumblr.  There are so many options to express my thoughts and it becomes a little overwhelming at times but I'm slowly, ever so slowly, getting those thoughts organized and into the right blogs.

I just had to take a break from writing this as my newest ferret Juliet decided to climb into the game/movie drawers of our entertainment center.  She's such a goober like that.  She's always getting into things.  She's helped Polar Bear tremendously though and he's almost to pre-Sable's death energy levels, especially now that B's home.  Have I mentioned how truly blessed I am to have him here?  We've had our ups and downs since his return, but that is all part of the readjustment phase and things are probably better than ever.

Well, back to working on my Etsy shop.  This is where much of my free time goes when I'm not watching tv or playing video games.

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